Established in 1987 by Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold and Carmen Würth as a civil law foundation based in Künzelsau, Germany, the Würth Foundation promotes charitable and benevolent purposes.
The Würth Foundation promotes numerous projects in the fields of art and culture, research and science, education and training, and integration—primarily in the Heilbronn-Franconia region, the home of the Würth Group. The activities are supported by the German Würth Group companies, in particular Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG.
In 2021, the Chairman of the Board of the Würth Foundation, Harald Unkelbach, submitted a request to the Foundation’s Supervisory Board, chaired by Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, to resign in the fall of 2022. Johannes Schmalzl, whose contract as managing director of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Stuttgart region expires at the end of October 2022, will take over as Chairman of the Board of the Würth Foundation on 1 November 2022.

He has been an active member of the Board of the Würth Foundation since 2010: Harald Unkelbach. He will be leaving his post as Chairman of the Board in the fall of 2022 at his own request.
(Photo: Andreas Lechner)
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG supported the COVAX initiative to fight the pandemic in the very poorest regions of the world by donating EUR 500,000 in March 2021. COVAX was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global stakeholders. The infrastructure for the initiative is provided by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). By the end of 2021, COVAX had delivered 941 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to 144 countries. UNICEF has also helped the poorest countries to strengthen their healthcare systems, train staff, and build more than 500 refrigeration chains, providing 454 million protective equipment kits to 89 countries, around 8.7 million tests, and more than 40,000 oxygen concentrators.
“Every human being should have equal access to vaccines and medical care,” said Bettina Würth, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group and member of the UNICEF Germany Board of Directors, explaining her commitment. “The virus will only be defeated when it has been defeated across the globe,” stressed Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Würth Group’s Family Trusts.
In mid-July 2021, people living in the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate were hit by catastrophic flooding. The Würth Group provided immediate support to those affected, donating money and materials worth EUR 5 million. The Würth pick-up shops in the flooded areas distributed work materials and equipment directly to affected households, helpers, and customers. Würth employees provided assistance on the ground after being released from their duties by the company. The impetus for the donation came from Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Würth Group’s Family Trusts, Bettina Würth, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group, and the boards of the Würth Group. “It was a matter of course for all of us to make the decision to enable help to be given to the people affected quickly and with minimal red tape,” said Bettina Würth.

was provided by the Würth Group for regions hit by flooding, for example here in the Ahr Valley. Numerous employees spontaneously decided to drive to the area to help.
(Photo: Christian –
In August 2021, the Würth Group donated the proceeds of the annual RW WORKOUT Week sales campaign to UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. EUR 250,000 went to the Isibindi Adolescent Youth Development Program in South Africa, which was launched in 2000 in response to the HIV epidemic and protects orphaned or vulnerable children from abuse, neglect, and violence. “The far-reaching consequences of COVID-19 put vulnerable children and adolescents at risk even more,” explained Christine Muhigana, Head of UNICEF in South Africa. By way of example, the program offers disadvantaged children access to safe parks: protected places where they can relax and learn. The program also conducts home visits throughout the country to protect children and young people and improve their psychological and physical well-being. “This donation allows us to give something back to society,” said Bettina Würth, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group and Member of the UNICEF Germany Board of Executives.
“The idea for this hotel came not from the head, but from the heart ... from an overflowing heart that understands the concerns and needs of people who can only be reached with the strength of the heart,” said Carmen Würth back in 2003 at the opening of Hotel-Restaurant Anne-Sophie in Künzelsau. For almost 20 years now, people with and without disabilities have been working together as equals in the hotel on a day-to-day basis. More than 90 employees currently work at the multi-award-winning hotel, about a quarter of whom have disabilities.
Be it as a member of the waitstaff, in the kitchen, or in housekeeping—the employees with disabilities work as a normal part of the team and can rely on the heartfelt support of their colleagues. Hotel-Restaurant Anne-Sophie leaves no room for doubt as to their role as full members of society. After all, every human being has something valuable to offer: personality, talents, skills.

Being part of society, of the working world, of a team—Carmen Würth has created a place where people with and without disabilities work together hand-in-hand.
(Photo: Andi Schmid)
In recognition of their entrepreneurial achievements and their social and cultural commitment, the Handelsblatt business newspaper has inducted Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Würth Group’s Family Trusts, and Bettina Würth, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group, into their Hall of Fame of Family Businesses alongside four other entrepreneurs. Hans-Jürgen Jakobs, Senior Editor and former Editor-in-Chief at Handelsblatt, presented the award at Carmen Würth Forum on 30 June 2021.
Handelsblatt, with the support of the auditing firm KPMG and the Foundation for Family Businesses in Germany and Europe, uses the Hall of Fame of Family Businesses to honor personalities from family-owned corporations and SMEs. The jury recognizes the fact that having a family as a company’s main owner has a significant and successful impact on the company’s strategy. Other criteria include securing and creating jobs through innovation and outstanding productivity, environmentally friendly business practices, and social and cultural commitment.

Bettina Würth and Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth were inducted into the Handelsblatt Hall of Fame of Family Businesses at a ceremony in 2021.
(Photo: Hans Neukircher Neale)
Companies are responsible not only for their employees, but also for society and its liberal development.
Promoting critical but constructive dialogue with social groups and institutions is the remit of Würth’s representative offices in Berlin and Brussels. They bring together policymakers and representatives from business and industry, academia, culture, and the media to engage in dialogue.
The representative offices host roundtable discussions, conferences, and also receptions. The topics range from issues concerning the globalized economy and its effects to digitalization and the future development of a society living in peace and prosperity and the integration and acceptance of people with health-related impairments. Discourse and conflicting ideas are the engines that drive any democratic society. Würth’s representative offices in the capitals of Germany and Europe contribute to this process.
Team spirit, the willingness to perform, and giving one’s all are essential characteristics of sports and are also values that define the corporate culture at Würth. This is why Würth is committed to the world of sports as a sponsor in a wide variety of areas. The company has been supporting the German Ski Association as one of two main sponsors since 2002. Top athletes from all six German Ski Association disciplines were invited to Adolf Würth Airport in Schwäbisch Hall in October 2021 for their official outfitting. The Würth Group is also involved in the world of soccer: It has been involved in German top-tier Bundesliga soccer since 1990 and has been sponsoring referees and linesmen in the Primera and Segunda División (the first and second Spanish soccer leagues) since 2003. Würth is also committed to motor sports: Würth is an official sponsor of the PENSKE team in the US Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series.

Würth was one of eight main sponsors of the Nordic Ski World Championships, a highlight in the winter sports calendar held from 23 February to 7 March 2021 in Oberstdorf, and was also an official supplier, which ensured prominent positioning for the company’s logo.
(Photo: Sammy Minkoff)
(Photo Header: UNICEF/UN0431120/Laxmi Prasad)